How To Preserve Outdoor Cultural Heritage: State-Of-Art, Challenges And New Perspectives
Valentina Venuti
Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences, University of Messina, Italy
Domenico Majolino
Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences, University of Messina, Italy
Paola Cardiano
Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences, University of Messina, Italy
Giuseppe Paladini
Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences, University of Messina, Italy
Cultural Heritage in outdoor conditions is subjected to degradation phenomena as a consequence of interaction with physical, chemical and biological environmental factors. In this context, other than weather-related factors, the impact of climate changes on cultural heritage assets became the focus of much interest in scientific research.
This session is aimed at providing the current state-of-art on the investigation of the interactions of these assets with their environment, resulting in a detrimental effect, and how climatic changes may aggravate the physical, chemical, and biological mechanisms causing degradation, with particular regard to cultural heritage exposed to the outside environment, such as archeological sites, historical buildings and monuments. At the same time, the role of research in furnishing good practices and knowledges in order to secure the preventive conservation of cultural heritage in outdoor environments will be discussed, particularly in view of a sustainable development.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Outdoor cultural heritage materials;
- Pollution and deterioration;
- Physical-chemical characterization of degradation products through microscopy and spectroscopy;
- Simulation and digitalization models;
- Climate change and risk assessment;
- Environmental toxicology;
- Environmental health–public health;
- Conservation issues.
Valentina Venuti university of Messina – Degree in Physics, PhD - Full Professor of Applied Physics (to Cultural and Environmental Heritage, Biology and Medicine). Co-author of 229 publications on ISI rated journals and more than 200 communications at international conferences. Citations 3981, H-index: 33. Her research interests are focused on: 1) Neutron and synchrotron radiation techniques, FT-IR and Raman spectroscopies applied to materials of historical-artistic, environmental and biomedical interest; 2) Spectroscopic study of biological and drug/carriers systems and their application in pharmaceutical field.
Domenico Majolino university of Messina - Degree in Physics, PhD - Full Professor of Applied Physics (to Cultural and Environmental Heritage, Biology and Medicine). Co-author of 280 publications on ISI rated journals and more than 250 communications at international conferences. Citations 4931, H-index: 35. His research interests are focused on: 1) Development of experimental techniques for studies in the field of physics applied to cultural heritage. 2) Experimental investigation of hydrogen-bonded liquids in "bulk and confined within nano-porous matrices.
Paola Cardiano university of Messina – Degree in Chemistry, PhD – Associate Professor of Chemistry of the Environment and Cultural Heritage. Co-author of 85 publications on ISI rated journals and more than 70 communications at international conferences. Citations 1448, H-index: 24.
Her research interests are focused on:
- synthesis and characterization of novel materials for built heritage conservation and environmental applications;
- haracterization of ancient artificial lithic materials (bricks, mortars and mosaic tesserae);
- analysis of organic residues in archaeological contexts;
- valorization of waste biomass for environmental remediation purposes.
Giuseppe Paladini university of Messina - Degree in Physics, PhD – Research Fellow of Applied Physics (to Cultural and Environmental Heritage, Biology and Medicine), National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in 2023. He is co-author of 76 publications on ISI rated journals and 30 invited talks/communications at National and International Conferences and Events, in the field of Physics Applied to Cultural and Environmental Heritage. Citations: 490, H-index: 14 (Scopus database).
His research interests include but are not limited to:
- application of neutron and light spectroscopic techniques at nano-, micro- and macro-scale applied to cultural heritage;
- characterization of environmental matrices in terms of specific activity of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides;
- dynamical and structural properties of supramolecular systems for environmental and pharmaceutical applications.