Engineering the Future, Honoring the Past: Cultural Heritage in Civil Engineering


Cascardi Alessio Cascardi

Alessio Cascardi

University of Calabria, Italy

Verre Salvatore Verre

Salvatore Verre

University E-Campus, Italy

Micelli Francesco Micelli

Francesco Micelli

University of Salento, Italy


Civil engineering plays a vital role in shaping our physical environment, from constructing bridges and roads to designing water systems and skyscrapers. However, beyond its utilitarian functions, civil engineering also intersects with the preservation and conservation of cultural heritage. This special section aims to explore how civil engineering techniques, principles, and innovations contribute to the protection, restoration, and interpretation of cultural heritage sites worldwide. It delves into the symbiotic relationship between engineering advancements and the preservation of our shared cultural legacy.


Main Topics to be Included:

  • Historical Structures Preservation: This topic focuses on the techniques and methodologies employed by civil engineers to preserve and restore historical buildings, monuments, and archaeological sites. It covers aspects such as structural assessments, material conservation like composites (FRP, FRCM, TRM, SRG, etc.), and adaptive reuse strategies.
  • Infrastructure Adaptation: Civil engineers often encounter the challenge of integrating modern infrastructure with existing cultural heritage sites while preserving their integrity. This section examines case studies and best practices for adapting infrastructure projects to mitigate their impact on cultural heritage.
  • Innovative Conservation Technologies: Advances in civil engineering technology have revolutionized the field of cultural heritage conservation. This topic explores innovative tools and methodologies such as 3D scanning, Building Information Modeling (BIM), drone surveys, and virtual reality applications in documenting, monitoring, and preserving cultural heritage sites.
  • Sustainable Heritage Management: Sustainable development principles are increasingly integrated into cultural heritage management practices. Here, the focus is on how civil engineers contribute to sustainable heritage management through eco-friendly construction techniques, energy-efficient solutions, and green infrastructure initiatives.
  • Community Engagement and Stakeholder Collaboration: Civil engineering projects involving cultural heritage sites often require close collaboration with local communities, government agencies, and heritage preservation organizations. This topic examines strategies for fostering community engagement, promoting cultural tourism, and ensuring the participation of diverse stakeholders in decision-making processes.
  • Challenges and Opportunities: Preservation efforts face various challenges, including environmental degradation, urbanization, and insufficient funding. This section discusses the challenges encountered in the conservation of cultural heritage and explores opportunities for innovative solutions, interdisciplinary collaborations, and international cooperation.
  • Ethical Considerations: Civil engineers working in cultural heritage preservation must navigate complex ethical dilemmas, including questions of authenticity, cultural appropriation, and the balance between conservation and development. This topic addresses the ethical considerations inherent in engineering interventions at cultural heritage sites.
  • Case Studies and Success Stories: Finally, this section presents compelling case studies and success stories that highlight the transformative impact of civil engineering in preserving and promoting cultural heritage. These real-world examples showcase best practices, lessons learned, and inspirational projects from around the globe.

Through this comprehensive exploration, "Engineering the Future, Honoring the Past: Cultural Heritage in Civil Engineering" aims to foster a deeper understanding of the critical role civil engineers play in safeguarding our cultural heritage for future generations.


Alessio Cascardi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at University of Calabria, Rende (CS) in Italy. He previously performed research at the Italian national research council ITC-CNR. He contributed to achieve the ACI 549.6R-20 “Guide to Design and Construction of Externally Bonded Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) and Steel Reinforced Grout (SRG) Systems for Repair and Strengthening Masonry Structures”. He is associate member in several national and international scientific societies including ACI, fib, Rilem, IMS, Iscarsah, etc. His research interests encompass the use of high-performance composites for strengthening or rehabilitation of existing structures (both masonry and reinforced concrete made).
He is co-author of 57 publications on ISI/Scopus rated journals in the field of Cultural Heritage Conservation. Citations: 1011, H-index: 17(Scopus database).

Salvatore Verre is ACI Italy Chapter and Rilem TC member. He is research at University of E-Campus, Italy. His main research interests are related to the structural behavior of concrete and masonry constructions including the use of innovative materials and techniques. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Italy.
He was visiting research at Missouri University of Science and Technology (USA). His research interests encompass the use of high-performance composites for strengthening or rehabilitation of existing structures. He is co-author of 54 publications on ISI/Scopus.

Francesco Micelli esearch and teaching activities in the field of structural civil engineering as visiting professor or visiting scholar at: the University of Houston, Texas (USA); Universidad Catolica de Santiago de Guayaquil, (ECUADOR); the University of Missouri Rolla (USA); Polytechnic University (TU) of Braunschweig (Germany); Polytechnic University (TU) of Darmstadt (Germany); Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (France).
Author of more than 200 scientific publications in International Journals and Conference Proceedings, in the field of structural engineering with a special focus on strengthening of existing buildings, mechanics of innovative materials, and structural modeling of FRP-strengthened structures.
Associate member of:

  • American Concrete Institute (ACI International);
  • International Committee ACI-440 -Fibre-reinforced polymer reinforcement;
  • International Committee ACI-445 -Shear and Torsion;
  • International Committee RILEM TC MSC - “Masonry Strengthening with Composite Materials”;
  • International Committee RILEM TC 250-CSM “Composites for sustainable strengthening of masonry";
  • International Committee RILEM TC TC 290-IMC "Durability of Inorganic Matrix Composites used for Strengthening of Masonry Constructions";
  • International Institute for FRP in Construction (IIFC);
  • SPONSE - International Association for the Seismic Performance of Non-Structural Elements;
  • Italian National Committee for Eurocodes - UNI Technical Committee 021 "Structural Engineering".


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