October 22 - 24, 2018
Cassino, University Campus

MetroArchaeo 2018 Photo Gallery
2018 IEEE MetroArchaeo Photo Gallery is now available!
Send us your pictures at info@metroarchaeo.com
4th International Conference on
Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
October 22-24, 2018, Cassino, University Campus, Italy
The word metrology has a long tradition, deriving from the Greek word for measure. The knowledge about anything is complete only when it can be expressed in numbers and something is known about it. Measurements play a fundamental role in every field of investigation and present day scientific and technological progress has resulted from progress in the field of measurements.
Metrology, the science of measurements, includes all aspects both theoretical and practical with reference to measurements, whatever their uncertainty, and in whatever fields of science or technology they occur. Consequently the field of valorisation, characterisation and preservation of Cultural Heritage too is deeply related to the metrological issues for the collection, interpretation and validation of data collected with the different analytical, physical-chemical, mechanical techniques, digital technologies, new ICT tools, etc…
Measurements deriving from the large number of analytical methodologies and tools, molecular and elemental spectroscopic techniques, chemometrics, chemical reactivity and modeling, etc., nowadays available are of interest for the conference. Data on the impacts of natural and anthropogenic environmental stressors, the decaying pathways of the different materials in the surrounding environment, the development of new remediation processes as cleaning, consolidation, rehabilitation, etc., based on the chemical knowledge can be considered.

The European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018
The year will see a series of initiatives and events across Europe to enable people to become closer to and more involved with their cultural heritage. Cultural heritage shapes our identities and everyday lives. It surrounds us in Europe's towns and cities, natural landscapes and archaeological sites. It is not only found in literature, art and objects, but also in the crafts we learn from our ancestors, the stories we tell to our children, the food we enjoy in company and the films we watch and recognise ourselves in.
MetroArchaeo 2018 has been organized in the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.
#EuropeForCulture / #SharingHeritage / #Patrimonio2018 / #PatrimonioItalia
Call for Papers
MetroArchaeo brings together researchers and operators in the enhancement, characterization and preservation of archaeological and cultural heritage with the main objective of discussing production, interpretation and reliability of measurements and data.
The conference is conceived to foster exchanges of ideas and information, create collaborative networks and update innovations on “measurements” suitable for cultural heritage for archaeologists, conservators and scientists.
Summarizing, METROARCHAEO2018 is designed to profit of a multidisciplinary approach to give to the Cultural heritage community, from archaeologists to historians, conservators, engineers, material scientists, etc… a complete picture of the measurements utilizations and data treatments with the ultimate goal of increasing knowledge on the characterization and safeguard of archaeological and historic heritage, generally addressed in sectorial conferences.

Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the Workshop and the proceedings will be submitted for indexing in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
IEEE content is indexed by Google and has agreements in place with other publishers and services to include IEEE papers in their online and print indexes. Examples include INSPEC, Thomson Reuters’ Web of Science, Ei Engineering, and Village. For a complete listing, please click the Publishing and Indexing Partners section on the IEEE Xplore help page.
Our passing interrupted the road crossing, and the crowd bunched on both sides waited for us to go by as we all waited for the war to go by, thinking we can suspend or postpone living and not knowing that in war the heart grows older than it does in dreams
Quel monte a cui Cassino è ne la costa
fu frequentato già in su la cima
da la gente ingannata e mal disposta

2018 European Year of
Cultural Heritage
Regione Lazio
Provincia di Frosinone
Distretto Tecnologico per i Beni
e le Attività Culturali - Regione Lazio

Istituto Italiano di Cultura
Società Italiana di
Fotogrammetria e Topografia
Camera di Commercio
ASPIIN - Camera di Commercio

International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Associazione dei Laureati dell'Ateneo di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale
Gruppo di Misure
Elettriche ed Elettroniche
Cal Lab Magazine

Remote Sensing
Open Access Journal
Open Access Journal