The IMEKO TC-4 MetroArchaeo Online Platform will go live on Thursday, October 22.
All plenary and technical sessions, discussions and other activities will be carried out remotely via Microsoft Teams.
Pre-recorded presentations will be available on-demand to all registered attendees until November 24, 2020.
The Final Program is available here (all times are in CET) (CLICK HERE).
Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
The word metrology has a long tradition, deriving from the Greek word for measure. The knowledge about anything is complete only when it can be expressed in numbers and something is known about it. Measurements play a fundamental role in every field of investigation and present day scientific and technological progress has resulted from progress in the field of measurements. Metrology, the science of measurements, includes all aspects both theoretical and practical with reference to measurements, whatever their uncertainty, and in whatever fields of science or technology they occur. Consequently the field of valorisation, characterisation and preservation of Cultural Heritage too is deeply related to the metrological issues for the collection, interpretation and validation of data collected with the different analytical, physical-chemical, mechanical techniques, digital technologies, new ICT tools, etc… Measurements deriving from the large number of analytical methodologies and tools, molecular and elemental spectroscopic techniques, chemometrics, chemical reactivity and modeling, etc., nowadays available are of interest for the conference. Data on the impacts of natural and anthropogenic environmental stressors, the decaying pathways of the different materials in the surrounding environment, the development of new remediation processes as cleaning, consolidation, rehabilitation, etc., based on the chemical knowledge can be considered.

Call for Papers
MetroArchaeo brings together researchers and operators in the enhancement, characterization and preservation of archaeological and cultural heritage with the main objective of discussing production, interpretation and reliability of measurements and data.
The conference is conceived to foster exchanges of ideas and information, create collaborative networks and update innovations on “measurements” suitable for cultural heritage for archaeologists, conservators and scientists.
All contributions will be peer-reviewed on the basis of a full length manuscript and acceptance will be based on quality, originality and relevance. Accepted papers will be published in the Workshop Proceedings and indexed by SCOPUS.
Extended versions of presented papers are eligible for post publication.
Important Dates
Special Session Proposal Deadline
Extended Abstract Submission Deadline
Extended Abstract Acceptance Notification
Final Paper Submission Deadline
Plenary Speakers
Mauro Bernabei
Long-Distance Timber Trading in the Roman Empire
Stefano Campana
What’s Next in Past Landscapes Studies? Drone-Based Platform a Killer Application in Archaeological Survey
Ina Reiche
In-Situ Differentiation of Black Rock Paintings in the Palaeolithic Caves
Patrick Schmidt
Early Pyrotechnology: Lithic Heat Treatment.
Art and architecture, nature and museums have made Trento a cultural hotspot.
Provincial and (autonomous) Regional Capital, this city in Trentino Alto Adige boasts a long, rich tradition and some of the most important monuments in Italian history.Trento was struck at the base of the rocky spur of the Doss Trento, on the Adige River's right bank (and beneath the Mausoleum of Cesare Battisti), as early as the Roman age....
Special sessions have the main aim of creating a mini-workshop on a specific topic, where researchers working on the same argument can make knowledge, familiarize, exchange ideas, create cooperation.