Special sessions have the main aim of creating a mini-workshop on a specific topic, where researchers working on the same argument can make knowledge, familiarize, exchange ideas, create cooperation.
Special Sessions are being developed by designated chairs.

If you, as an author, have a paper that could be included in one of these sessions, you may submit an extended abstract selecting your favourite session. If the abstract is not selected for the session, it may be included in another part of the technical program.

To submit extended abstracts to the special session, follow the submission instructions for regular sessions, but remind to specify the special session to which the paper is directed.

List of Special Sessions

  1. SPECIAL SESSION #1: Monitoring techniques for cultural heritage damage assessment and control

    Organized by: Jessica Clementi, Paolo Mazzanti, Sapienza University of Rome & CERI Research Center, Italy; Daniele Spizzichino, ISPRA – Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, Dept. for the Geological Survey of Italy; Alessandra Bonazza, CNR-ISAC Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the National Research Council of Italy

  2. SPECIAL SESSION #2: Vibroacoustic metrological characterization for archaeology and cultural heritage

    Organized by: Fabrizio Barone, Marco Casazza, University of Salerno, Department of Medicine, Italy; Rosa Fiorillo, University of Salerno, Department of Cultural Heritage Sciences, Italy

  3. SPECIAL SESSION #3: Non-destructive imaging and interferometric techniques for cultural heritage diagnostics and metrology

    Organized by: Melania Paturzo, Vito Pagliarulo, Massimo Rippa, CNR-ISASI; Claudia Daffara, University of Verona, Italy

  4. SPECIAL SESSION #4: Chromatic Heritage: Exploring the Science of Pigments, Stones and Art Conservation

    Organized by: Daniele Chiriu, Stefania Porcu, Valentina Mameli, Stefano Columbu, University of Cagliari, Italy

  5. SPECIAL SESSION #5: How To Preserve Outdoor Cultural Heritage: State-Of-Art, Challenges And New Perspectives

    Organized by: Valentina Venuti, Domenico Majolino, Giuseppe Paladini, Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences, University of Messina, Italy; Paola Cardiano, Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences, University of Messina, Italy

  6. SPECIAL SESSION #6: Damage and Radiological Risk Assessment: Diagnosis and Monitoring for the Restoration, Preventive Conservation, Usability and Maintenance of Cultural Heritage

    Organized by: Francesco Caridi, Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences (MIFT), University of Messina, Italy; Simona Mancini, Department of Information and Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics (DIEM), University of Salerno, Italy

  7. SPECIAL SESSION #7: Analytical Characterization of Forest By-Products in Cultural Heritage: Exploring Potash, Pitch, Tar, Resin, and Charcoal

    Organized by: Jeannette Lucejko, Erika Ribechini, Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, University of Pisa, Italy; Magdalena Zborowska, Department of Forestry and Wood Technology, Poznań University of Life Sciences

  8. SPECIAL SESSION #8: Integrated Methods, Theories And Applications For Structural Health Monitoring And Assessment Of Ancient Constructions

    Organized by: Pietro Meriggi, Luca Bianchini Ciampoli, Roma Tre University, Department of Civil, Computer Science and Aeronautical Technologies Engineering, Italy; Fabio Tosti, University of West London, School of Computing and Engineering, UK; Iolanda Gaudiosi, Institute of Environmental Geology and Geo-Engineering, National Research Centre (CNR), Italy; Vittorio Paris, Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Bergamo, Italy

  9. SPECIAL SESSION #9: From Composition to Conservation: Advanced Diagnostic Techniques for the Study of Ancient, Modern and Contemporary Painting Surfaces

    Organized by: Valeria Comite, University of Milan, Italy; Francesca Sabatini, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy

  10. SPECIAL SESSION #10: Geomatics for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage: multi-source and multi-scale data integration and processing in research and applications

    Organized by: Maria Grazia D'Urso, Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Bergamo, Italy; Gabriele Bitelli, Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering

  11. SPECIAL SESSION #11: Archaeobotany and Palynology as Tools for Reconstructing Past Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Landscapes

    Organized by: Eleonora Clò, Department of Life Sciences - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy; Claudia Moricca, Cristiano Vignola, Department of Environmental Biology - Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

  12. SPECIAL SESSION #12: Measuring through ages and cultures: Ancient and historical Instruments

    Organized by: Emma Angelini, DISAT - Department of Applied Science and Technology Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy; Margherita Bongiovanni, ARIA-Historical Collections and Archives Office - Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy

  13. SPECIAL SESSION #13: Green Nuclear Physics application in Cultural Heritage. Non-invasive and sustainable approaches in conservation and preservation

    Organized by: Cristina Cicero, Independent Heritage Scientist; Monia Vadrucci, Agenzia Spaziale Italy

  14. SPECIAL SESSION #14: Advances and innovation in ancient building materials studies: interfacing Archaeology, Science, and Technology

    Organized by: Mirco Ramacciotti, Gianni Gallello, Iván Fumadó Ortega, Manel Górriz i Villar, Dep. of Prehistory, Archaeology and Ancient History (University of Valencia)

  15. SPECIAL SESSION #15: Virtual environments and Cultural Heritage: tools, new technologies, and future perspectives.

    Organized by: Francesco Colace, Angelo Lorusso, Michele Pellegrino, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Salerno, Italy; Domenico Santaniello, Department of Cultural Heritage Sciences, University of Salerno, Italy

  16. SPECIAL SESSION #16: Old Solutions for New Problems: Innovative Multitechnical Strategies for Diagnostics on Peculiar Case Studies

    Organized by: Laura Medeghini, Department of Earth Sciences - Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; Alessandro Ciccola, Alessia Masi, Ilaria Serafini, Department of Environmental Biology - Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

  17. SPECIAL SESSION #17: The digital transition of micro-analytical investigations: the new frontier of quantitative data extraction from geomaterials

    Organized by: Cristina Maria Belfiore, Gaetano Ortolano, Roberto Visalli, Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences - University of Catania, Italy

  18. SPECIAL SESSION #18: Methods for millennial coastal evolution assessment: geoarchaeological and geomorphological approaches

    Organized by: Gaia Mattei, Pietro Patrizio Ciro Aucelli, Alessia Sorrentino, Department of Science and Technology, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy; Teresa Bardají Azcárate, Department of Geology, Geography and Environment Science, University of Alcalá, Spain; Matthieu Giaime, Department of Geography, ASM UMR5140, Université de Montpellier Paul-Valéry, CNRS, Ministère de la Culture, France

  19. SPECIAL SESSION #19: Advanced Metrological Approaches for the Study and Transmission of Prehistoric Material Culture

    Organized by: Dario Calderone, Institute for Digital Cultural Heritage Studies, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; Paolino Trapani, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania, Italy

  20. SPECIAL SESSION #20: Digital Data Management Platforms for Built Heritage: Innovation, Documentation and Conservation

    Organized by: Maisa Almeida, Postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo (IAU-USP); Alfonso Ippolito, Full Professor at the Department of History, Design, and Restoration of Architecture (DSDRA), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; Marcio Fabricio, Full Professor at the University of São Paulo, Architecture and Urbanism Institute (IAU USP); Simone Vizioli, Professor at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo (IAU USP)

Special Session Proposal

Are you interested in organizing a special session?

Please, contact the Technical Program Chairs, using the form at this page:



