„Le seul véritable voyage […], ce ne serait pas d’aller vers de nouveaux paysages, mais d’avoir d’autres yeux, […]“. Toward a holistic perception of antiquity thanks to transdisciplinary scientific networks
Andrea Babbi
Institute of Heritage Science of the National Research Council of Italy (ISPC-CNR)
Over the past few years, the archaeological sciences have undergone an awareness strongly advocated by what used to be the new generation of scholars. This has happened, on the one hand, due to the natural evolution of a discipline eager to keep up with the state of the art of research, and, on the other hand, because of stimuli driven at the same time by far-reaching socio-cultural phenomena and important theoretical advancements in the field of outlining interpretative paradigms of complex realities. The reference is respectively to the point of synthesis of the global- local polarisation represented by the focus on the glocalisation processes, and to overcoming the centre-semiperiphery-periphery tripartition of the World-System-Theory through the network theory. Archaeological sciences have therefore realised the importance of a multi-scalar approach, i.e., both diachronic/generalising and synchronic/particularising, and have internalised the necessity and usefulness of overcoming outdated academic hierarchies. Today, it is only through forms of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity between scientific 'weak' nodes that we can hope to outline a broad and as complete a view of ancient reality as possible.
Dr Andrea Babbi 2005 got the PhD (Etruscology) at ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome. 2007-2019 he kept researching thanks to prises, grants and contracts in Italy (CNR, University of Molise, DAI Rom), Greece (SAIA, INSTAP), and Germany (DAAD, SPK, Humboldt, Henkel, DFG, JGU Mainz, Thyssen, LEIZA Mainz). Since 2019 Babbi holds a permanent post as a Researcher at the Institute of Heritage Science of the National Research Council of Italy (ISPC-CNR) and is a visiting scholar at the Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie in Mainz (LEIZA). Dr Babbi is a member of the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Etruschi ed Italici, Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, Deutscher Archäologen-Verband e.V., Archaeological Institute of America, Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica. Since 2014 Dr Babbi has been lecturing and/or tutoring at Italian, German, and Austrian Universities. Since 2018 he is the director of the international research project on Bisenzio (Viterbo).