Kontur 3D-Radar tutorial: let's play with step-frequency GPR array
Maurizio Gabriele Porcu
Codevintec Italiana srl, Italy
GPR is a non destructive method can image the subsoil using electromagnetic waves. According to the theory he higher the frequency, the higher the resolution, but the lower the depth and vice versa. What changes with the step-frequency technique? This tutorial will illustrate the Kontur 3D-Radar technology and some case studies about archeological application. Kontur 3D-Radar is step frequency gpr array with wide frequency range (from 200 MHz up to 3 GHz). Gpr surveys will be carried out with 20 channels ground coupled array. The tutorial will show the entire workflow and you can be take part of it: from setup to survey, from real-time processing to interpretation.
Maurizio Gabriele Porcu, Codevintec Italiana srl. Master of degrees in Telecomunication engineer at Polytechnic University of Milan. Researcher fellow at Polytechnic University of Milan, member of technical committee of IATT (Italian Association Trenchless Technology), Product specialist for land geophysical equipment at Codevintec Italiana srl. His research are carried out in GPR technology, especially in polarization and stacking effect on gpr data.