When the review process has been completed, authors receive a notification of either acceptance or rejection of the submission.
If the paper has been accepted, the authors can prepare a full paper that incorporates the reviewers' suggestions.
For this edition, authors will have the possibility to submit the full paper for publication to "MetroArchaeo 2019 Conference Proceedings" OR "Archeologia e Calcolatori".
Authors who want to publish the final version of the Paper on "MetroArchaeo 2019 Conference Proceedings" must follow the Guidelines reported in Section "MetroArchaeo 2019 Conference Proceedings - Preparation and Submission". Full papers must be submitted before November 18, 2019. The papers published on the Proceedings of the Workshop will be included in Scopus and Compendex data bases.
Authors who want to publish the final version of the Paper on "Archeologia e Calcolatori" must follow the Guidelines reported in Section "Archeologia e Calcolatori - Preparation and Submission". Please note that contributions to Archeologia e Calcolatori are assessed and approved by specialist members of the Scientific Committee and the Editorial Board, as well as by the members of Conference Scientific/Organising Committees and by expert readers, according to a double-blind peer review process.
MetroArchaeo 2019 Conference Proceedings - Preparation and Submission
The format for the full papers is identical to the format for the Extended Abstracts except for the number of pages: the full paper has a required minimum length of five (5) pages and a maximum of six (6) pages.
For your convenience, Conference Paper templates in various formats are available for download:
Full papers must be submitted before November 18, 2019.
To upload the final paper, authors must login to the MetroArchaeo Conference System at:
After login, the list of author-submitted papers is shown. Click on "N Active";

Select the submission clicking on the paper's title;

Click on "Review" link;

In section "Director Decision", upload the final paper in correspondence of the item "Upload Author Version"

Archeologia e Calcolatori - Preparation and Submission
Detailed instructions for paper publication on Archeologia e Calcolatori can be found HERE www.metroarcheo.com/archeologia-e-calcolatori
Please note that the Final Paper submitted to Archeologia e Calcolatori will be assessed and approved by specialist members of the Scientific Committee and the Editorial Board as well as by the members of Conference Scientific/Organising Committees and by expert readers, according to a double-blind peer review process.
Since 2005 Archeologia e Calcolatori has joined the Open Archives Initiative, adopting the OAI-PMH protocol. It is registered in the list of OAI Data Providers and OAIster contributors and in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Archeologia e Calcolatori is indexed in Scopus as well as in the Clarivate Analytics' Emerging Sources Citation Index and is included in ERIH PLUS. Articles are also stored in the CNR SOLAR (Scientific Open-access Literature Archive and Repository) database of scientific publications. The metadata of each contribution published in Archeologia e Calcolatori - ca 900 resources - are available in CulturaItalia.