Correlation-based measurement techniques for active thermography inspection of paintings
Marco Ricci
University of Calabria, DIMES Dept.
Thermography inspection of easel and wall paintings can provide useful information to restorers and heritage scientists to evaluate the health condition of an artwork, gain insight about the artist techniques and support an active conservation of the items.
While passive thermography is very useful for an early and rapid inspection, active thermography extracts more information that can be further processed to achieve quantitative analysis.
Nonetheless, the characteristics of paintings and artworks in general pose limitations on the power of the heat sources that can be employed, thus worsening the measurement quality.
Correlation-based measurement techniques can used to solve this issue.
By using low-power heat sources in combination with coded excitation and proper processing, it is possible to fully exploit the potentialities of active thermography while avoiding any risk for the cultural heritage items.
In this tutorial, the basic theory of the so-called pulse-compression thermography will be illustrated and some practical examples will be showed interactively.
Marco Ricci received the Laurea and Ph.D. degree in Physics from the University of Rome " Sapienza", Italy, in 2002 and 2006 respectively, with theses on the application of quantum optics to quantum information. In 2006, he joined the Laboratory of Nondestructive Evaluation of Department of Engineering at the University of Perugia, Italy. From 2017, he is Associate Professor of Electrical engineering at the University of Calabria, Department of Informatics, Modeling, Electronics and System Engineering.
His current research interests include non-destructive testing and evaluation, signal and image processing, acoustics, inverse problems, applied number theory.
He is the author of several research papers in the fields of Non Destructive Testing, Inverse Problems, Spintronics, Quantum Optics and Quantum Information.
He is in the Editorial Board of NDT&E International and Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation.